So... What is it like to be home

So here it is... I've been back home for a little more than 2 weeks and it's a really strange period!!! My mood is like a roller coaster, you know there's this expression in French "Jean qui rit, Jean qui pleure", that's pretty much how I feel those days: one day, i'm all excited, happy of being home, and the other, i'm just doing nothing at home but crying, being nostalgic about Montreal.
So many things changed but at the same time, it's like I never left, I have the feeling to be back at the exact same place. And my year in Montreal seems a pink dream that goes more and more away from me as the days go by. As Abraham said, it's like I lived in "lala land" for a year and now I'm back to reality. And even if this reality is so familiar, it's a new one and I have to adapt to it, to find my place. And it's not just taking the place I had before but finding my new place, defining my role according to the new deal. And boy, it's hard!!! I mean, I love spending time with my family and friends but I have a hard time with certain changes, there's a lot of attitude I don't understand, a lot of things I'd like to change. But I just cannot do it in a snap. It needs time, understanding, certainly some sacrifices. It's also a good time to sort things out, to see what's really important for me, what's worth my time and my energy, what I really want to care about. And there's one thing I know is important, is worth my time and my energy, I really want to care about is God. He's the one who doesn't change, no matter where I am. He's not gonna disappoint me, I'm not gonna be upset because of Him, He's not gonna confuse me. He's just there with me, with a lot of patience and love, telling me that He's not forgetting me but He has great things in store for me. While I was sun bathing (thank you Lord for the great weather!!!!), I opened my Bible and read Isaiah 43: 18-19 "But forget all that; it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland"
So, as I'm walking in a kind of wilderness and dry wasteland, I'm taking this promise and wait for what the Lord is gonna do.
PS: 2 things didn't change: the beauty of Switzerland and the good taste of chocolate ;)
Libellés : Etats d'âââmes