02 juillet 2006

Last night

This is my last night in Canada, well... tomorrow night I'll be in the plane, over the Atlantic so...
It would be the appropriate time to make a bilan (what is the english word by the way? assesssement? a lot of s...) but... I don't know... I think it's still too soon... I think I'm more happy about going home now I think... Knowing that I'm gonna see and hug my friends and family soon is pretty exciting...
I'll tell you at the end of next week how was the return back home.

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Blogger Esther said...

Salut Marion!
I guess you're back in Suisse now with your friends and family! Nice! J'espere que tu pourras te ressourcer le restant de l'été, et que travailler ne te fatiguera pas trop. Que le Seigner te montre les prochains pas pour toi!
take care :)

11:51 AM  

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